1. Entrance fee for visiting the permanent exhibition: 16 lei
a) 75% discount – 4 lei (for students, for adults with slight or medium disability and for pre-schoolers);
b) 50% discount – 8 lei (for retirees);
c) 25% discount – 12 lei (for visiting groups of at least 10 people);
2. Entrance fee for visiting the temporary exhibitions: 12 lei
a) 75% discount – 3 lei (for students, for adults with slight or medium disability and for pre-schoolers);
b) 50% discount – 6 lei (for retirees);
c) 25% discount – 9 lei (for visiting groups of at least 10 people)
3. Entrance fee for visiting 3 expositions, including the permanent exposition – 28 lei
a) 75% discount – 7 lei (for students, for adults with slight or medium disability and for pre-schoolers);
b) 50% discount – 14 lei (for retirees);
c) 25% discount – 21 lei (for visiting groups of at least 10 people)
Please note: An additional 1% Red Cross fee is charged to the entrance fee, as per the Order of the Ministry of Economy and Finance no. 1.488 / 04.10.2007 for the approval of the Methodological Norms regarding the charging, collection, transfer, recording and control of the amounts resulting from the application of the Red Cross stamp.

a) students in pre-university education institutions in Cluj County, according to the provisions of Cluj County Council Decision no. 122/2009, for activities specific to the educational process. The free access will be based on a list containing the names of the visiting students and the accompanying teachers, certified by the director of the educational unit and by the specialized inspector of the ClujCounty School Inspectorate, which will be submitted to the museum;
b) students of Romanian citizenship residing abroad, scholars of the Romanian state, according to art. 84 par. (5) of the National Education Law no. 1/2011, with subsequent amendments and completions, based on a documentary evidence, as well as students from the high schools and faculties of fine arts and architecture;
c) children with disabilities and adults with severe disabilities, as well as the persons accompanying them, according to art. 21 paragraph 3 and par. (4) let. (a) of Law no. 448/2006 on the protection and promotion of the rights of disabled people, republished, as subsequently amended and supplemented;
d) retirees in the state social welfare system, as well as those from other social welfare schemes, who have worked for at least 10 years in the field of culture and art;
e) representatives of mass media, according to art. 15 and 19 of Law no. 544/2001 regarding the free access to public information, with subsequent amendments and completions, their access being guaranteed;
f) members of the Artists Union of Romania;
g) ICOM card possessors (if the card is valid for the current year);
h) employees of museums from across the country;
i) every person who visits the museum on Museums’ Day or on European Heritage Day;
j) war veterans and war widows (according to the provisions of article 16, letter m) of the War Veterans Act, as well as some rights of invalids and widowers of war no. 44/1994, as subsequently amended and supplemented);
k) students, on the basis of a verifying document, during the extracurricular activities organized through the “School differently: Know more, be better!” Program.
Please note: In the case of cultural activities which require an entrance fee that is paid to the organizer of the event, for the temporary use of a space in the museum, the rate of said use will be established by calculating 15-25% of the user’s intake, with the mention that for public cultural institutes (philharmonic, theatre, opera, the centre for ethnic creation) the percentage agreed upon will be a maximum of 15% of the intake value, according to the Order of the Ministry of Culture no. 471/1990 on the approval of the Norms regarding the organization of performances, concerts, other artistic and entertaining activities where entry fees are charged, but no less than the hourly rate charged for the space in question.

1. Photographing for amateurs for personal use, no flash or tripod in the permanent exhibition: 20 lei/pers.
2. Photographing for groups for personal use, no flash or tripod in the permanent exhibition: 250 lei/group.
3. Photographing artworks exclusively for personal use in order to do the documentation and research for an ongoing scientific study: 75 lei/piece. Only on the basis of a request submitted to and signed by the director of the museum.
4. Use of video-camera: 30 lei/person, 300 lei/group.
5. Guided tour in Romanian/Hungarian in the permanent exhibition for a group of at least 10 people: 7 lei/person. In order to participate in a guided tour, an appointment is to be made at least 24 hours earlier at the museum secretariat.
6. Guided tour in English for organized groups of at least 10 people: 130 lei/60 mins/group. In order to participate in a guided tour, an appointment is to be made at least 24 hours earlier at the museum secretariat.
7. Temporary use of room 15 – E15 – first floor: 850 lei/day or 200 lei/hour.
8. The temporary use of the Universal Gallery room PO5, PO7 – PO9 – ground floor: 800 lei/day or 150 lei/hour.
9. Temporary use of the Temporary Gallery room P10 – P15 – ground floor: 1000 lei/day or 200 lei/hour.
10. Temporary use of the festive rooms at the facade E29 – E33 – first floor: 1200 lei/day or 200 lei/hour.
11. Temporary use of the festive rooms in the south wing E23 – E27 – first floor: 800 lei/day or 150 lei/hour.
12. Temporary use of the library: 200 lei/day or 60 lei/hour.
13. Temporary use of the museum’s yard: 1500 lei/day or 300 lei/hour.
14. Temporary use of the museum’s yard – private events: 4000 lei/day (up to 200 people); 6000 lei/day (up to 500 people).
Please note: In the case of cultural activities which require an entrance fee that is paid to the organizer of the event, for the temporary use of a space in the museum, the rate of said use will be established by calculating 15-25% of the user’s intake, with the mention that for public cultural institutes (philharmonic, theatre, opera, the centre for ethnic creation) the percentage agreed upon will be a maximum of 15% of the intake value, according to the Order of the Ministry of Culture no. 471/1990 on the approval of the Norms regarding the organization of performances, concerts, other artistic and entertaining activities where entry fees are charged, but no less than the hourly rate charged for the space in question.